Frequently Asked Questions

See below for FAQ's about interpreting and translating. If you don't see the answer to your question, email us at [email protected].

Interpreting & Translation FAQ's

We have interpreters ready in 100+ languages. The languages we offer represent 70% of the world’s population and close to 100% of those commonly used in the world economy and online. If we don’t already offer the language you need, we’ll look under every rock to find someone to add to our network. Click here to see a sample list of languages offered.

We maintain an active local network of 250+ quality interpreters and translators, and have access to national and international networks through our memberships with the American Translators Association (ATA), the Midwest branch of ATA (MICATA), and the National Association for Judicial Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT).
All of our interpreters and translators contract with us, which means we have greater flexibility and higher quality all around. It also makes it easy for us to add to our network when a new language need or situation arises.

We personally train every interpreter we add to our network to ensure they offer you quality help that upholds our customer promise of being passionate problem solvers who are professional, personal, punctual, and precise.

Do You Need Interpreting or Translation Services?

Request translating, interpreting or cultural awareness services online at any time. You can also call us at 913-204-0230.

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